Our Tool Finder app is even smarter! New features have been added to Yamawa app to ease your daily working routine. We implemented the “Search by Code” button in the homepage and added some filters (for example to the Product Symbol drop down menu) to make your search easier.

Furthermore, we added the “Stock” column to the Product Search table, so you have an immediate idea on the availability of a specific item.

For each selected product, updated information about stock and price is available in the Data sheet.

Finally, simply by clicking a button, you can print the page with the characteristics of a specific item obtaining a Data Sheet in *.pdf file format to be shared.

Since there is always room for improvement, we anticipate you that new further (smarter) features are coming soon…stay tuned and enjoy Tool Finder!

Update Tool Finder now from your store!

To download Tool Finder from mobile devices click on the buttons to select the store. From Desktop: scan the QR code with your mobile.

Scan the QR code